I'm creating a pipeline in jenkins to build a binary using ANT. After creating I'm using some shell commands to store md5sum of the generated war file. But when using the shell commands I'm getting error.
stage('Build') {
steps {
//sh "ant -f ABC/XYZ/build.xml build"
withAnt(installation: 'ANT_1.9.9', jdk: 'Java_1.8.0_361') {
sh 'ant -f ABC/XYZ/build.xml build'
sh 'SUM=echo $(md5sum ${WORKSPACE}/ABC/XYZ/dist/ABC.war)'
sh 'echo $SUM'
post {
success {
echo "build success"
I'm getting below error ++ md5sum /opt/codecheckout/pipeline/ABC/XYZ/dist/ABC.war
I have tried using script syntax in pipeline as well, but getting the same error.
sh script:'''
SUM=$(md5sum ${WORKSPACE}/ABC/XYZ/ABC.war)
echo $SUM
MDSUM= "$(echo $SUM | head -n1 | awk '{print $1;}')"
//echo $MDSUM
The issue actual is about Bash syntax.
SUM=echo $(md5sum ${WORKSPACE}/ABC/XYZ/dist/ABC.war)
# there is a space between "echo" and
"SUM=echo $(md5sum ${WORKSPACE}/ABC/XYZ/dist/ABC.war)"
thus Bash interpreter will treat the line into two parts:
1) SUM=echo
the first part work well
2) $(md5sum ${WORKSPACE}/ABC/XYZ/dist/ABC.war)
the second part return the md5 sum which is a string, then bash continue
treat it as a cmd and execute it (the md5 string: 4ffaf00d7fa7dbd0398d9d4de3496992),
but the md5 string is not a bash cmd or executable.
that's why the error say "4ffaf00d7fa7dbd0398d9d4de3496992: command not found"
Fix your issue is simple
SUM=$(md5sum ${WORKSPACE}/ABC/XYZ/dist/ABC.war)
// the ahead echo is unnecessary
SUM=$(echo $(md5sum ${WORKSPACE}/ABC/XYZ/dist/ABC.war))