I am trying to create a datagrid for a circuit diagram project I am working on, it should have four columns: Name, Resistance, Voltage, Active. (string, float, float, bool). I have tried everything I could find online to bind these.
The setup I am using is as such:
My xaml window:
<DataGrid x:Name="ComponentDataGrid" AutoGenerateColumns="False" IsReadOnly="False" SelectionChanged="ComponentDataGrid_SelectionChanged">
<DataGridTextColumn x:Name="String1" Binding="{Binding Name}"/>
<DataGridTextColumn x:Name="String2" Binding="{Binding Resistance}"/>
<DataGridTextColumn x:Name="Int1" Binding="{Binding Voltage}"/>
<DataGridTextColumn x:Name="Bool1" Binding="{Binding Active}"/>
My class to handle the observablecollection
internal static class DataGridHandler
public static ObservableCollection<ComponentDisplayData> DisplayData = new ObservableCollection<ComponentDisplayData>();
public static void AddNewComponentData(Component component)
ComponentDisplayData data = new ComponentDisplayData(component);
public static ObservableCollection<ComponentDisplayData> LoadCollectionData()
return DisplayData;
My class to store the properties that should be used in each row:
public class ComponentDisplayData
public string Name;
public float Resistance;
public float Voltage;
public bool Active;
public ComponentDisplayData(Component component)
Name = component.name;
Resistance = component.Resistance;
if (component is Cell)
Voltage = ((Cell)component).Voltage;
Voltage = 0;
Active = component.Active;
and my window class that binds the collection to the datagrid:
public Workspace()
ComponentDataGrid.DataContext = DataGridHandler.LoadCollectionData();
ComponentDataGrid.ItemsSource = DataGridHandler.LoadCollectionData();
When i call DataGridHandler.AddNewComponentData(component) it adds a new row to the grid, with 4 blank cells. Also when I iterate through the ComponentDataGrid.ItemsSource after adding a component, the component data is stored properly and I can write the data to the console, it just won't appear in the grid.
As @emoacht said using a property rather than a field fixed the problem:
public class ComponentDisplayData
public string Name { get; set; }
public float Resistance { get; set; }
public float Voltage { get; set; }
public bool Active { get; set; }
public ComponentDisplayData(Component component)
Name = component.name;
Resistance = component.Resistance;
if (component is Cell)
Voltage = ((Cell)component).Voltage;
Voltage = 0;
Active = component.Active;
Changing the fields to properties by adding { get; set; } after them fixed my issue.