I have a stored procedure that contains a query with multiple conditions in the WHERE clause.
I can call this stored procedure with 2 different parameters. If I call it with 'X' parameter, I would like to apply a specific condition, however if I call it with 'Y' parameter, I would want to not apply that condition.
However, the remaining conditions in the where clause should apply to both 'X' and 'Y' parameters.
FROM tbl_1 t
WHERE 1 = 1
-- I want these two conditions to apply to both 'X' and 'Y' parameters
AND EXISTS (SELECT ..... WHERE value = @Param)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT ..... WHERE value = @Param)
--and lastly the third condition should only be applied if I have 'X' parameter when calling this procedure
AND (@Param = 'X'
AND t.ApptDt > '02/02/2023'
AND t.CallDt > '02/1/2023')
This logic doesn't seem to work. If I call this with 'Y' parameter I get no values, unless I comment out this last bit.
How can I implement this type of logic?
Then try changing your LAST condition FROM
AND (@Param = 'X'
AND t.ApptDt > '02/02/2023'
AND t.CallDt > '02/1/2023')
AND ( @Param = 'Y'
OR (@Param = 'X'
AND t.ApptDt > '02/02/2023'
AND t.CallDt > '02/1/2023')