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Custom error message if asynchronous payment can't be initiated

In the Shopware documentation it is stated that:

in case the payment can't be started (for example because of missing credentials for the shop), this [asynchronous payment response] can also return a fail status and / or a message.

However, if I respond with a json having message property, the value is not respected and I can still see a default error message on a checkout page. Example payload:

{ "message": "my custom message I would like to show for a client" }

How could I show a custom error message if asynchronous payment cannot be initiated? Is there anything important I miss in the documentation?


  • I haven't tested this, but the documentation also states this:

    Instead of a successful response, you can also provide a failed response with a message (which will be logged)[...]

    So I assume it's not meant to be displayed, but just for logging/debugging purposes.