I have a numpy array of floats:
[..., 50.0, 51.0, 52.2, ..., 59.3, 60.4, 61.3, 62.1, ..., 67.9, 68.1, 69.2, ...]
You can see that the numbers are first converging to 60, and then diverging from it. There is a range: from 52.0 to 68.0; in the middle of this range is 60.0; 60.0 is called the exact, 52.0 is called the start, 68.0 is called the end.
I'm trying to find indexes of start, exact, and end. In the array above: 52.2 is the start, 60.4 is the exact, 67.9 is the end. You can see that 52.2 is not exactly 52.0, but it is still the start because it's closest to 52.0; 60.4 is not quite the same as 60.0, but it's closest to 60.0 so it works as exact; same goes for 67.9 which is closest to 68.0
Is there a way to find the indexes of start, exact, end with numpy? What complicates the problems a bit is: we can have an array, floats of which are descending instead of ascending:
[..., 69.2, 68.1, 67.9, ..., 62.1, 61.3, 60.4, 59.3, ..., 52.2, 51.0, 50.0, ...]
In this case: 67.9 is the start, 60.4 is the exact, and 52.2 is the end.
So the numbers can be ascending or descending, and in any case I need to find the indexes.
I can more or less easily do it with loops, keeping track of current and next number, comparing them, and seeing whether it's converging to 60.0 and then diverging from it. But I have lots of numbers, even more: I have an array of arrays, and for each array I need to get the indexes. That will be very slow with plain loops. And I'm a newbie in numpy, so I'm not sure how to vectorize it.
Please help if you can. If you need more information, you can ask it in the comments; I will be answering as quickly as possible. Thank you.
Thank you Sajad Safarveisi! Your solution works, and you are absolutely awesome!
However, it turns out that my arrays are not that simple. Sometimes I would have arrays with multiple ranges, so like this:
[..., 52.2, ..., 60.4, ..., 67.9, ..., 52.4, ..., 60.0, ..., 67.7, ..., 52.0, ..., 60.6, ..., 67.3, ...]
So in this case I would need a list of lists of indexes:
[start0, exact0, end0],
[start1, exact1, end1],
[start2, exact2, end2],
Sajad, do you know a way to do this? I'd appreciate it. The problem is that different arrays can have different number of ranges: sometimes it can be 1 range, sometimes 3, and sometimes 0. I'm sorry for not posting the whole problem.
You can try the following to get the indexes for each array.
(1) Define a 1*3 numpy array that holds the start, exact, and end.
bound = np.array([[52, 60, 68]])
(2) Now, assume that the numpy array for which the indexes should be found is as follows
arr = np.array([50.0, 51.0, 60, 59.3, 60.4, 61.3, 62.1, 67.9, 68.1, 52.2])
(3) Finally, benefit from broadcasting and use the argmin
method of a numpy array
np.abs((arr[:, np.newaxis] - bound)).argmin(axis=0)
The result is
array([9, 2, 7])
The first entry corresponds to the index of the closest entry to 52 (start), the second entry corresponds to the index of the closest entry to 60 (exact) and so on. As you can see, the order by which the entries in the arr
are appearing does not matter for this implementation.