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SQL Error [08004]: Socket connection to server failed. Check your server is reachable from this client on the host:port specified

I want to join two tables via two databases and connect them to each other via two database servers. I use as database "Informix" in version 14.10 and as sql client "DBeaver ".

My SQL statement looks like this:

SELECT      column1 
FROM        databaseA@MyServer1:informix.tableA as A
INNER JOIN  databaseB@MyServer2:informix.tableB as B on A.column1 = tableB.column1
WHERE       column1 IN (10, 20)

I thought the SQL query is correct, however I get the following error message:

SQL Error [08004]: Socket connection to server (MyServer1, conerr=-25555, oserr=0) failed. Check your server is reachable from this client on the host:port specified.

I can access these two servers and its databases and tables.


  • How can I check if my two servers are reachable from this client?

  • No port was specified by me. Do I need to specify a port in the SQL query and if so how do I do that?


  • I have found a solution to my problem. The mistake I made was that the database server name was not the correct one.

    The server name in my case had to have a postfix '_tli' and the name should then be myserver1_tli.

    How do I find out what the correct database server name is?

    1. Open dbaccess in your console with the following command:

      enter image description here

    2. Choose "DATABASE" enter image description here

    3. Choose "Select" enter image description here

    Now you should see a list of all databases on your database server. The server name is displayed after the @ sign. Example name_of_table@your_database_server_name . So the database server name is your_database_server_name.