Let's say I have this data frame.
df <- data.frame(record = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"),
fruit = c("apple", "orange", "other", "apple", "orange", "other"),
specify = c("", "", "red delicious", "", "", "navel"))
How do I recode the values of "other" in the fruit column to be "apple," or "orange" based on the values of the specify column? The red delicious record, 3, should be an apple, and the navel record, 6, should be orange in the fruit column, respectively.
Thank you!
With dplyr
version >= 1.1.0, we can use case_match
df %>% mutate(fruit = case_match(specify,
"red delicious" ~ "apple",
"navel" ~ "orange",
.default = fruit))
record fruit specify
1 1 apple
2 2 orange
3 3 apple red delicious
4 4 apple
5 5 orange
6 6 orange navel