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How can I connect Airflow Cloud Composer to Cloud SQL using Private IP?

I'm attempting to connect to a Potgres database running in Cloud SQL, and I have enabled Private IP as shown below with the "Default" settings. I have also added the IP addresses of this Cloud SQL instance as connections into the Airflow instance on Google Cloud Composer. Note I have also set up the Cloud Composer instance with private networking, and the same "Default" options as I did on the Cloud SQL instance when setting it to use Private IP.

I can test connect fine in the connections tab, however I can't run any queries since it says I don't have the correct permissions when I attempt a DAG run. Am I connecting in the correct way, or have I missed a step in connecting to a network in this way?

Google Cloud SQL showing default Private IP settings


  • This was solved after correcting database permissions, after help from fellow users above