As per my understanding, @within
would execute if an annotation is at the class level so as per that understanding below snippet should run the @within
but my output did not print @within advice values. why?
Your main class only calls testService.test
, but that method is not annotated by @Log
. So why are you expecting it to be intercepted by the aspect? Also, there is only class AnnotatedWithinTestImpl
in the within
package, but you are not executing any code from it.
AnnotatedWithinTestImpl annotatedWithinTest = (AnnotatedWithinTestImpl) context.getBean("annotatedWithinTest");
to your main method should trigger the testAllBeansWithAnnotation
advice and print:
WITHIN ANNOTATION LOG: CALL METHOD (...) within.AnnotatedWithinTestImpl#test with args []
For me, locally that works after adding the missing pieces of your code snippets.
Update: Thanks for the reproducer on GitHub. Now I can really reproduce and see what you did wrong. You use an @Around
advice without calling jp.proceed()
, i.e. the target method execution is blocked in the first advice. The second one therefore never fires. So
to a simpler @Before
or @After
advice, then it works like a charm and there is no need to proceed or return anything.This is all described in the Spring AOP manual.
The second option looks like this:
public void testAllBeans(JoinPoint jp) {
ConsoleHandler consoleHandler = new ConsoleHandler();
consoleHandler.setLevel(Level.FINE); // set console handler logging level to FINE
String type = jp.getSignature().getDeclaringTypeName();
String methodName = jp.getSignature().getName();
Object[] methodArgs = jp.getArgs();
print("WITHIN LOG: CALL METHOD " + type + "#" + methodName + " with args " + Arrays.toString(methodArgs));
public void testAllBeansWithAnnotation(JoinPoint jp) {
ConsoleHandler consoleHandler = new ConsoleHandler();
consoleHandler.setLevel(Level.FINE); // set console handler logging level to FINE
String type = jp.getSignature().getDeclaringTypeName();
String methodName = jp.getSignature().getName();
Object[] methodArgs = jp.getArgs();
print("WITHIN ANNOTATION LOG: CALL METHOD " + type + "#" + methodName + " with args " + Arrays.toString(methodArgs));
The console log then is:
WITHIN LOG: CALL METHOD com.springaop.example6.within.WithinTest#test with args []
WITHIN ANNOTATION LOG: CALL METHOD com.springaop.example6.within.WithinTest#test with args []
P.S.: Next time, please test your MCVE. You still had some old package names in your pointcuts, pointing to bogus packages.