When I'm parsing a string to date with either std::get_time or strftime I receive a SIGABRT on my RaspberryPi. When I execute the same code on my Ubuntu computer it works fine.
std::get_time example:
#include <chrono>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::stringstream stream;
std::tm tm{};
const std::string format = "%H:%M:%S,%m-%d-%Y";
if((stream >> std::get_time(&tm, format.c_str())).fail()) {
std::cout << "Parsing failed" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::chrono::seconds(std::mktime(&tm)).count() << std::endl;
I tried Raspberrys with Buster and Bulleseye and both fail to execute the code. My computer running Ubuntu 22.04 executes the example just fine. I tried to find known issues when parsing dates on arm architecture, but did not find any.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Edit: I'm using CLion gcc-Toolchains to compile the program, managed by a cmake file. I used remote compilation on either of the Raspberrys (both 3b, with either buster or bulleseye), selecting the default gcc and g++ compiler from the bin directory (on buster gcc-8.3.0, cmake 3.16 and bulleseye gcc-10.2.1, cmake 3.18.3). I also tried to crosscompile it on Ubuntu (with Ubuntus arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc/g++ compilers), but that had different issues if I recall correctly. I debugged the program in CLion with remote gdb executing it on the raspberry and the SIGABRT happens during the call to std::get_time. I can even see, inspecting tm, that it contains hour, minutes and seconds correctly, but then it seems to stop.
Thanks to everyone commenting and answering so far!
Edit2: I will try to compile and execute the program on a freshly setup Raspberry asap, command line only on the raspberry to rule out any issues with the CLion toolchain.
Edit3: Thanks again for everyone giving input here. Unfortunately the most unsatisfying solution worked. I tried it again today and I just cannot reproduce the error, but it is working now. I just can't figure out what I did wrong last week... Sorry for the hassle!
I finally could figure out what I was doing wrong. First of all I need to apologize to everyone looking at my example, because this is working absolutely fine. My issue is occurring due to this bug https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=45896 which is fixed in Ubuntu 22.04 but not Raspbian 11. I will now either modify the string before parsing or look for a different way to get the date, although the first option seems more promising to me. Thank you all for helping me with this!