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Receiving SIGABRT on Raspi when trying to parse string to date with either std::get_time or strftime

When I'm parsing a string to date with either std::get_time or strftime I receive a SIGABRT on my RaspberryPi. When I execute the same code on my Ubuntu computer it works fine.

std::get_time example:

#include <chrono>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    std::stringstream stream;
    std::tm tm{};
    const std::string format = "%H:%M:%S,%m-%d-%Y";
    if((stream >> std::get_time(&tm, format.c_str())).fail()) {
        std::cout << "Parsing failed" << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::chrono::seconds(std::mktime(&tm)).count() << std::endl;

I tried Raspberrys with Buster and Bulleseye and both fail to execute the code. My computer running Ubuntu 22.04 executes the example just fine. I tried to find known issues when parsing dates on arm architecture, but did not find any.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Edit: I'm using CLion gcc-Toolchains to compile the program, managed by a cmake file. I used remote compilation on either of the Raspberrys (both 3b, with either buster or bulleseye), selecting the default gcc and g++ compiler from the bin directory (on buster gcc-8.3.0, cmake 3.16 and bulleseye gcc-10.2.1, cmake 3.18.3). I also tried to crosscompile it on Ubuntu (with Ubuntus arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc/g++ compilers), but that had different issues if I recall correctly. I debugged the program in CLion with remote gdb executing it on the raspberry and the SIGABRT happens during the call to std::get_time. I can even see, inspecting tm, that it contains hour, minutes and seconds correctly, but then it seems to stop.

Thanks to everyone commenting and answering so far!

Edit2: I will try to compile and execute the program on a freshly setup Raspberry asap, command line only on the raspberry to rule out any issues with the CLion toolchain.

Edit3: Thanks again for everyone giving input here. Unfortunately the most unsatisfying solution worked. I tried it again today and I just cannot reproduce the error, but it is working now. I just can't figure out what I did wrong last week... Sorry for the hassle!


  • I finally could figure out what I was doing wrong. First of all I need to apologize to everyone looking at my example, because this is working absolutely fine. My issue is occurring due to this bug which is fixed in Ubuntu 22.04 but not Raspbian 11. I will now either modify the string before parsing or look for a different way to get the date, although the first option seems more promising to me. Thank you all for helping me with this!