In WPF i have a BasePresenter class that is herited by all my Presenter class 99+
Inside i have methode like
protected abstract void InitFilters()
Who must be defined in my Presenter class So in my Presenter class when i define my
protected override void InitFilters()
It has 99+ reference on it. So it's kinda hard for new developper than join the project to see the method is called by PresenterBase ect... Is there a way to make intellisens make abstract definition and call first in reference? Or even better not show all overide in reference on the
protected override void InitFilters()
and only show the 99+ ref on the
protected abstract void InitFilters()
Maybe with some Attribut or think like this? I didn't found anything on google about this
Is there a way to make intellisens make abstract definition and call first in reference? Or even better not show all overide in reference on the protected override void InitFilters() line and only show the 99+ ref on the protected abstract void InitFilters() one?
You didn't share screenshots of this question, but if I understand correctly, what you want to know is whether you can manage Codelens behavior:
If I understand correct, then the answer of your question is NO.
Here are everything of this feature:
Options, Text Editor, F#, CodeLens
Find code changes and other history with CodeLens
So far, VS has not provided a complex management method for this feature.
If you need this feature, you can share your idea on this place:
Request a feature of Visual Studio
By the way, if you don't want to see those override methods, you can collapse them:
Any way, no such specific configuration method of this feature now.