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Decode IASI Satellite Spectrum - convert IDL to python

Since I have no experience in IDL coding, I need help converting the piece of code below to python.

The following parameters are known and are 1D arrays oder scalars.

IDefScaleSondNbScale, IDefScaleSondScaleFactor,
IDefScaleSondNsfirst, IDefScaleSondNslast,

enter image description here


  • It's IDL and the python equivalent is the following:

    SpectDecoded = np.empty_like(Spect, dtype=float)
    for numScale in range(1, int(IDefScaleSondNbScale) + 1):
        SF = IDefScaleSondScaleFactor[numScale - 1]
        for chanNb in range(int(IDefScaleSondNsfirst[numScale - 1]), int(IDefScaleSondNslast[numScale - 1]) + 1):
            w = int(chanNb - IDefNsfirst[0])
            if w < SpectDecoded.shape[0]:
                SpectDecoded[w] = Spect[w] * 10 ** (-SF)