I'm stuck with a really old huge Angular project witch uses many legacy libraries. Specifically, it depends on [email protected]. I want to make reordering of rows possible.
I tried using rowDragManaged = true in gridOptions but it's not giving any result. I'm trying to figure out whether verison 13 even supports this or similar option, but I can't find it anywhere in changelogs and documentation. I asked ChatGPT, and it says this version supports row dragging but I'm afraid it's mistaken.
No, version 13 doesn't support row dragging.
You can search through the changelog versions for "drag": https://www.ag-grid.com/changelog/?fixVersion=16.0.0
It was added in version 16: https://www.ag-grid.com/archive/16.0.0/javascript-grid-row-dragging/
It may not be that much work to upgrade from 13.3.0 to 16.0.0. I recommend to do it one major version at a time and test carefully at each stage, you might have a few small things to fix each time. You can also just firstly try a test direct upgrade to 16.0.0 to see how broken things get.