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Loop through files in a folder, exclude the last file

i have a folder that has the structure of subfolders filled with powerpoints and one powerpoint outside of those subfolders, so kind of like this:

[main folder]
 |-[subfolder 1]
   |-ppt A
 |-[subfolder 2]
   |-ppt B
 |-ppt file to exclude

my goal is to loop through these subfolders, perform actions on the powerpoints inside the subfolders, and ignore the ppt at the end. i can't hardcode the name of the ppt because the name gets updated every week with a new date in the title. is this possible to do without hardcoding the file name?

while simply testing, i've tried using a do-while loop and hardcoded the name, but that didn't seem to work. in fact, i think it ended up running an endless loop and crashed my PPT:

  Dim File
    For Each File In Folder.Files
        Debug.Print File.path
        Do While File <> "hardcoded file name"
            If Right(File, 5) Like ".ppt*" Then
                Set objPresentation = Presentations.Open(File, msoFalse, msoFalse, msoFalse)
                For i = 1 To 1
                    Presentations.Item(1).Slides.Item(Presentations.Item(1).Slides.Count).Design = _
                    ActivePresentation.Slides(ActiveWindow.View.Slide.SlideIndex).Shapes("Rectangle 2").Delete
                 Next i
            End If
End Sub

i thought about using a case statement, but wasn't exactly sure where to place it. even if i were to get it to work, i'm not sure if it would still work without the file name being hardcoded.


  • If you're only interested in files in subfolders, then something like this will only give you those paths:

    Sub Tester()
        Dim f As Object, sf As Object, fl As Object
        Set f = CreateObject("Scripting.Filesystemobject").getfolder("C:\Temp\VBA")
        'only check subfolders
        For Each sf In f.subfolders
            Debug.Print sf.Name
            'loop files in subfolder
            For Each f In sf.Files
                If LCase(f.Name) Like "*.ppt*" Then
                    Debug.Print , f.Path
                End If
            Next f
        Next sf
    End Sub