i have a folder that has the structure of subfolders filled with powerpoints and one powerpoint outside of those subfolders, so kind of like this:
[main folder]
|-[subfolder 1]
|-ppt A
|-[subfolder 2]
|-ppt B
|-ppt file to exclude
my goal is to loop through these subfolders, perform actions on the powerpoints inside the subfolders, and ignore the ppt at the end. i can't hardcode the name of the ppt because the name gets updated every week with a new date in the title. is this possible to do without hardcoding the file name?
while simply testing, i've tried using a do-while loop and hardcoded the name, but that didn't seem to work. in fact, i think it ended up running an endless loop and crashed my PPT:
Dim File
For Each File In Folder.Files
Debug.Print File.path
Do While File <> "hardcoded file name"
If Right(File, 5) Like ".ppt*" Then
Set objPresentation = Presentations.Open(File, msoFalse, msoFalse, msoFalse)
For i = 1 To 1
Presentations.Item(1).Slides.Item(Presentations.Item(1).Slides.Count).Design = _
ActivePresentation.Slides(ActiveWindow.View.Slide.SlideIndex).Shapes("Rectangle 2").Delete
Next i
End If
End Sub
i thought about using a case statement, but wasn't exactly sure where to place it. even if i were to get it to work, i'm not sure if it would still work without the file name being hardcoded.
If you're only interested in files in subfolders, then something like this will only give you those paths:
Sub Tester()
Dim f As Object, sf As Object, fl As Object
Set f = CreateObject("Scripting.Filesystemobject").getfolder("C:\Temp\VBA")
'only check subfolders
For Each sf In f.subfolders
Debug.Print sf.Name
'loop files in subfolder
For Each f In sf.Files
If LCase(f.Name) Like "*.ppt*" Then
Debug.Print , f.Path
End If
Next f
Next sf
End Sub