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How to get the full code function body of a function node from the Typescript Compiler?

I'm relatively new to doing stuff with the Typescript Compiler. I'm trying to write some code that:

Given a .ts file, it can extract all the functions from it. Specifically, I'm trying to achieve an array of objects of the type { funcName: string, funcBody: string } where funcName is the name of the function, and funcBody is the overall code of the function (including the function declaration).

Currently, I have this simple piece of code

export async function extract(file: string) {
  const program = ts.createProgram([file], { allowJs: true });
  const sourceFile = program.getSourceFile(file);
  if (!sourceFile) return [];

  const output: any = [];

  ts.forEachChild(sourceFile, (node) => {
    if (ts.isFunctionDeclaration(node)) {
      const funcName = ? : "<anonymous>";
      const funcBody = node.body;
      console.log({ funcName, funcBody });

It is able to get the funcName just fine, but I am unable to figure out how to get the actual funcBody.


  • and funcBody is the overall code of the function (including the function declaration).

    If you want to get the text of the function declaration without leading trivia (comments & whitespace), then you can do:

    if (ts.isFunctionDeclaration(node)) {
      const funcName = ? : "<anonymous>";
      const funcDecl = node.getText(sourceFile);
      console.log({ funcName, funcDecl });

    To get just the function body text, use node.body.getText(sourceFile).slice(1, -1).trim() (slice to remove the surrounding braces).

    A good resource is: (It will tell you the result of .getText() in the rightmost column)