I have a file with 7 columns like:
KOKEE TIGOCONC 1.21143392716200008E-002 9999.0000000000000 1.21143404344029992E-002 1.21143392665158823E-002 1.21143392665158823E-002
KOKEE WESTFORD -1.97799503925290016E-003 9999.0000000000000 -1.97799445968519991E-003 -1.97799503786376526E-003 -1.97799503786376526E-003
SESHAN25 WETTZELL 1.39989741037330005E-002 9999.0000000000000 1.39989741037330005E-002 1.39989740975521026E-002 1.39989740975521026E-002
WESTFORD WETTZELL -1.74290229035720004E-003 9999.0000000000000 -1.74290124344059997E-003 -1.74290228675636817E-003 -1.74290228675636817E-003
KOKEE SESHAN25 -3.83187032666899982E-003 9999.0000000000000 -3.83186908442739987E-003 -3.83187032349491209E-003 -3.83187032349491209E-003
I want to plot the rest of two columns in case $1 eq KOKEE. (I have no isse when the variable is a number)
So, my command is:
plot [][-0.002:0.0025] 'outall.txt' u ($1 eq "KOKEE" ?($3-$7)*299792458:1/0) title "by source" w p pt 7 ps 1
and the system says:
internal error : STRING operator applied to undefined or non-STRING variable
As far as I could see in other post, this should be fine
is interpreted as floating point number.
If you want to compare column 1 as string you have to take strcol(1)
, check help stringcolumn
Your plotting command would be:
plot [][-0.002:0.0025] $Data u (strcol(1) eq "KOKEE" ? ...