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How to merge two JSONField fields

Postgres allows merging/concatenating two JSONB fields into one. Quoting the relevant Postgres docs:

jsonb || jsonb → jsonb - Concatenates two jsonb values.

As far as I can see, the Django ORM does not provide an operator for this type of concatenation. django.db.models.expressions.Combinable does not have a || operator. has a || operator, but this class does not seem to apply here.

How can I merge two JSONFields using Django functions, but without evaluating the queryset?


  • Since expressions usually are of the mixin class Combinable, we can use the _combine method on an F field and customize the operator to be ||. ExpressionWrapper is necessary because Django cannot infer the output_field of our customized combination.

    from django.db import models
    from django.db.models import ExpressionWrapper, F
    class MyModel(models.Model):
        jsonfield1 = models.JSONField()
        jsonfield2 = models.JSONField()
            F("jsonfield1")._combine(F("jsonfield2"), "||", reversed=False),