In my Flutter project I want to initialise BLoC (Provider/Cubit) once API responds with definition of shape of the state required for entire app.
Consider following shapes
arr1: [],
arr2: [],
selected: false
arr1: [],
obj1: {},
selectedChoiceId: 8
As shown above there is no fixed shape of object in the response, hence state of application should be initialised once API responds.
I am using Flutter with BLoC configuration as per recommended by official documentation.
Please suggest how can I achieve "Dynamic state initialisation" with BloC.
As per my understanding you want to save your dynamic data state in whole app even you are in widget tree or not. so my suggestions are use ServiceLocator Get_IT to create global object of on of your data class where you can save your dynamic data inside map (var mapData = <String, dynamic>{}
) with unique key so later you can retrieve that data and manipulate