I have a list of elements with attrs: parent, level, is_leaf_node, is_root_node, is_child_node.
I want to convert this list to hierarchy dict. Example of output dict:
'Virtual Worlds':{},
I don't know algorithm. How to do it?
Here's a less sophisticated, recursive version like chmod 700 described. Completely untested of course:
def build_tree(nodes):
# create empty tree to fill
tree = {}
# fill in tree starting with roots (those with no parent)
build_tree_recursive(tree, None, nodes)
return tree
def build_tree_recursive(tree, parent, nodes):
# find children
children = [n for n in nodes if n.parent == parent]
# build a subtree for each child
for child in children:
# start new subtree
tree[child.name] = {}
# call recursively to build a subtree for current node
build_tree_recursive(tree[child.name], child, nodes)