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Provider not updating value permanently

Yesterday I posted a question which is not yet solved.

Here you have a screenshot from the widget

enter image description here

The values 0 / 5 are

provider.numMensajesForoEsp16Vistos = 0
provider.numMensajesForoEsp16 = 5

Here you have the code for the widget at bottom right

   child: Row(mainAxisAlignment:,
    children: [
    Text("${provider.numMensajesForoEsp16Vistos} / ${provider.numMensajesForoEsp16}",
    style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16,  color: hexStringToColor( especialidad                                                                                .color_especialidad))),
     padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),child: Visibility(
visible: provider.numMensajesForoEsp16 > 
     child: Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end,
     children: [Container(width: 15, height: 15,
     decoration: BoxDecoration(
    color:,  shape: BoxShape                                                                                      .circle), ), ], )

When clicking on the card, here you have the code:

    if (_esEsp) {
    print("nume mensajes descargados ${provider.numMensajesForoEsp16}");   
    if (!_esEsp) {provider.cambiarNumeroMensajesForo16engVistos(provider.numMensajesForoEng16);

That code should update cambiarNumeroMensajesForo16espVistos to 5, as it is shown in the print output:

flutter: nume mensajes descargados 5

After clicking the card, the app opens another screen, and the if you click to go back to previous screen, the widgets is updated to the new values

enter image description here

But only for a couple of seconds, then it comes back to the state

enter image description here

Here you have the provider file:

class ForoProvider extends ChangeNotifier {
  int numMensajesForoEsp16 = 0;

  int numMensajesForoEng16 = 0;
  int numMensajesForoEsp16Vistos = 0;

  int numMensajesForoEng16Vistos = 0;

  void cambiarNumeroMensajesForo16esp (int s){
    numMensajesForoEsp16 = s;
  void cambiarNumeroMensajesForo16eng (int s){
    numMensajesForoEng16 = s;


  void cambiarNumeroMensajesForo16espVistos (int s){
    numMensajesForoEsp16Vistos = s;
  void cambiarNumeroMensajesForo16engVistos(int s){
    numMensajesForoEng16Vistos = s;

And here you have to top widget that includes Consumer

                child: RefreshIndicator(
                  onRefresh: refresh,
                  child: Consumer<ForoProvider>(
                    builder: (context, provider, child) {
                      return Column(

I don´t know what is wrong or missing in order to permanently update the value for



  • It seems to me (without access of the full code) that:

    1 - the value resets: you might be creating your provider in the widget that generates the 1st card. This way, when you go back to it, the values are reseted.

    2 - the value doesn't update: for the widget to update when the provider notifies, it has to be listening to the provider (, or listen using AnimatedContainer). Alternatively you could use a setState after calling the provider.

    Test sth like this:

    // main_app.dart (or up in your widget tree):
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      return ChangeNotifierProvider<ForoProvider>(
          create: (_) => ForoProvider(),
          child: const AppHome(),
    // app_home.dart
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      // Watch can be used either in stateless or statefull widgets
      // This lane will make sure to rebuild the widget every time a 
      // notifyListeners is sent.
      final foroProvider =<ForoProvider>();