I'm using allure-pytest. I'm using stories/markers to represent Test Plan requirements. I add a list of markers to pytest.ini file. In conftest.py I generate a set of markers that haven't been used. I'd like to add each missing marker as a skipped test to my allure report. Is there a way to do this?
I've tried creating tests in conftest.py
import pytest
import allure
import allure_commons
from allure_commons.model2 import TestResult, Status, Label, Parameter
from allure_commons.types import AttachmentType
from allure_commons.reporter import AllureReporter
from allure_commons.utils import uuid4
def pytest_collection_finish(session):
# get all the available markers defined in pytest.ini
marker_dict = session.config.getini('markers')
markers = set(marker_dict)
# get all the markers used in the collected tests
used_markers = set()
for item in session.items:
used_markers.update(set([m.name for m in item.iter_markers()]))
# find the markers defined in pytest.ini but not used in any of the tests
unused_markers = markers - used_markers
item = session.items[0]
# add skipped tests for the unused markers
if unused_markers and item:
for marker in unused_markers:
print("adding skipped test: ", marker)
args = marker.split(":")
name = args[0]
add_external_test_result(name, "skipped")
session.items.append(create_skipped_test(name, marker)) # generates an error for missing config
#skipped_test = pytest.Function(name=f"test_missing_{name}", parent=None, config=item.config) # generates an error for deprecated method
#skipped_test = item.from_parent(parent=item.parent, name=f"test_missing_{name}")
#skipped_test.add_marker(pytest.mark.skip(reason=f"No test created for marker({marker})"))
#session.items.append(skipped_test) # generates an error for the method not existing in the parent
def create_skipped_test(name, marker):
# create a dummy test function with a skipped marker
@pytest.mark.skip(reason=f"unmarked marker: {name}")
@pytest.mark.usefixtures() # add any necessary fixtures
def test_dummy():
# add the marker to the test function
test_dummy = pytest.mark.parametrize(name, [marker])(test_dummy)
return test_dummy
Well, that was pretty tricky, but I think I have achieved desired behavior using pytest_generate_tests
hook and pytest_collection_modifyitems
hook wrapper.
First of all, you need to add test_dummy
somewhere in your tests
directory like this:
def test_dummy():
Then in conftest.py you should define following hook functions:
import pytest
from _pytest.mark import Mark
@pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True, hookwrapper=True)
def pytest_collection_modifyitems(items):
# get all test_dummy instances (with each mark parameter)
skip_tests = [item for item in items if item.originalname == "test_dummy"]
# remove all test_dummy from items to prevent it's execution without skip mark
items[:] = [item for item in items if item.originalname != "test_dummy"]
# let all other pytest_collection_modifyitems filter items
# get set of all used markers
used_markers = set()
for item in items:
used_markers.update(set([m.name for m in item.iter_markers()]))
for item in skip_tests:
# get mark name from parameter name of test_dummy instance
mark = item.name.rsplit("[")[-1][:-1]
# if mark name is not in used markers set:
if mark not in used_markers:
# add test_dummy with this mark and skip mark to items list
item.own_markers = [Mark(mark, (), {}), Mark("skip", (), {"reason": f"skip mark: `{mark}`"})]
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
"""Generate parametrization for test_dummy instance using only custom markers from `pytest.ini`."""
if metafunc.definition.name == "test_dummy":
# get list of CUSTOM markers from pytest.ini (without pytest plugins builtins markers!)
markers = set(mark.split(":", maxsplit=1)[0] for mark in metafunc.config._getini('markers'))
# add mark parameter to function arguments
if "mark" not in metafunc.fixturenames:
metafunc.parametrize("mark", [pytest.param(mark) for mark in markers])
I have added some comments to code, so you can track it's logic.
Basically, it creates parametrize for test_dummy
using every custom marker (defined in pytest.ini). Then it stores all of test_dummy
instances in separate list and removes them from items
After all filtering was done by other plugins (including pytest markers filtering) it gets list of used markers. For each test_dummy
instance that has parameter which is not in used list we add skip
mark and parameter name mark and add it to final items
I have following markers in pytest.ini: smoke
, regression
, unit
I have one test for each marker. I run pytest -m smoke --alluredir results
Let me know what you think. Is it what you tried to achieve?
Also you can add @allure.title
for test_dummy
to make it look better in report.
import allure
@allure.title("Skipped mark")
def test_dummy():