I am trying to clean up table to use as an index. Since some of the entries correspond to multiple columns I wanted to concatenate where necessary into a single string. Example of what I am trying to do is:
day = c("Mo", "Tu","Tu", "We","Th","Fr","Fr","Fr"),
see = c("cat", "cat", "dog", NA, "cat","cat","dog","bird" )
) %>%
nest(data = see) %>%
mutate(see = paste0(data)) %>%
This almost works, but the paste0 doesn't just paste the data from the list, but rather:
# A tibble: 5 × 2
day see
<chr> <chr>
1 Mo "list(see = \"cat\")"
2 Tu "list(see = c(\"cat\", \"dog\"))"
3 We "list(see = NA)"
4 Th "list(see = \"cat\")"
5 Fr "list(see = c(\"cat\", \"dog\", \"bird\"))"
What do I need to change? I want the see
column to contain only comma or space separated strings or remain empty where NA.
I think we don't need nest()
, but can just summarise()
with paste(..., collapse = ", ")
day = c("Mo", "Tu","Tu", "We","Th","Fr","Fr","Fr"),
see = c("cat", "cat", "dog", NA, "cat","cat","dog","bird" )
) %>%
summarise(data = paste(see, collapse = ", "), .by = "day")
#> # A tibble: 5 × 2
#> day data
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Mo cat
#> 2 Tu cat, dog
#> 3 We NA
#> 4 Th cat
#> 5 Fr cat, dog, bird
Created on 2023-03-16 with reprex v2.0.2