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Altair chart out of container while container_width set true


Problem is my chart has many columns, is there a way my chart's width is set to his container because it's out of his container now.

Steps to reproduce

Code snippet:

from vega_datasets import data
source = data.barley()

b = alt.Chart(source).mark_bar().encode(
    x=alt.X('year:O', title=None),
    column=alt.Column('site:N', title=None,
st.altair_chart(b, use_container_width=True)

Expected behavior:

Chart should be inside the container, no scrolling needed.

Additional information



  • I found a way to make the graph appear fully on screen without any scrollbar. Use st.columns and put the graph inside the first column (columns[0]).

    import altair as alt
    import streamlit as st
    from vega_datasets import data
    source = data.barley()
    b = alt.Chart(source).mark_bar().encode(
        x=alt.X('year:O', title=None),
        column=alt.Column('site:N', title=None,
    cols = st.columns([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
    with cols[0]:
        st.altair_chart(b, use_container_width=True)
    st.header("Some title")
    st.markdown("Some text")

    It gives:

    The graph holds in full screen.

    I also added st.set_page_config to set layout="wide" in order to have more place on the screen to display the graph, but it works without it. Also, if need be, just add or remove some columns.

    Note: When resizing the screen, this solution keeps the graph fully on the screen:

    The browser size is reduced to less than 50% of the width of the former picture but the graph is still fully on screen, matching the width!