I have a dll in C++ which is used for behaving like smartcard. I wrote a JSON file for receiving data and responsing wanted response. It looks like this:
"00xxxxxx" : ["aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", {
"00yyyyyyyyyy" : ["bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb", {
"00zzzzzzzzz" : ["9000", {}]
My CommandHandler.cpp file receiving the command from another application. It looks like below:
string CommandHandler::sendCommand(string command)
data = data[command];
string response;
if(data == nullptr){
response = "6700";
return response;
response = data[0];
data = data[1];
return response;
CommandHandler::CommandHandler(){} //Empty constructor
CommandHandler::CommandHandler(string jsonCommandsPath)
std::ifstream f(jsonCommandsPath);
data = json::parse(f);
string CommandHandler::getJsonFile(){
jsonCommandsPath = "MyPath";
return jsonCommandsPath;
And lastly, I call CommandHandler constructor in another class named FakeTransmitter.cpp:
CommandHandler command;
NOT_EXPORTED CommandHandler commandHandler(command.getJsonFile());
LPCBYTE pbSendBuffer, DWORD cbSendLength,
/*@out@*/ LPBYTE pbRecvBuffer, PDWORD pcbRecvLength) {
string command = Conversion::ByteArrayToHexStr(pbSendBuffer, cbSendLength);
string response = commandHandler.sendCommand(command);
//here I wrote response code, it works correctly.
return 5;
I build this project with CMake and use the dll in another project for fake response. However, in the first call the commands it works, after I call the same commands, it returns '6700' which means it returns nullptr.
The output of the second project looks like this:
Command: 00xxxxxx
Response: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Command: 00yyyyyyyyyy
Response: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
Command: 00zzzzzzzzz
Response: 9000
Command: 00xxxxxx -------> Here I call first command again in the same runtime
Response: 6700
I think, I can not read that JSON file again. How can I reach the same command while I call from the second project?
I just want that while I call the same commands again, I show the response. The output that I expected should look like this:
Command: 00xxxxxx
Response: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Command: 00yyyyyyyyyy
Response: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
Command: 00zzzzzzzzz
Response: 9000
Command: 00xxxxxx
Response: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Command: 00yyyyyyyyyy
Response: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
Command: 00zzzzzzzzz
Response: 9000
I already tried f.close() and f.open() in the project. Maybe I used them wrong but while I used them it returns me 'Invalid memeory acces'. Is there a solution to handle this problem?
So it seems to me that you want the original JSON structure to be reused when you receive a command that cannot be understood with the current JSON structure. So to do that you need to first save the original JSON structure in your class
CommandHandler::CommandHandler(string jsonCommandsPath)
std::ifstream f(jsonCommandsPath);
originalData = json::parse(f); // save the original data
data = originalData; // and start with the original data
You will need to add originalData
to your CommandHandler
class. Because you didn't show that class I can't tell you how to do that, but hopefully it's clear enough.
Then you need to reuse that original data when you find a command that cannot be understood.
string CommandHandler::sendCommand(string command)
data = data[command];
string response;
if(data == nullptr){
data = originalData; // restore the original data
return sendCommand(command); // and try again
response = data[0];
data = data[1];
return response;
I am guessing somewhat because your requirements are not completely clear.