I am trying to divide a double precision floating point number (Double
) by 2.0
one hundred times successively in Haskell.
When I get the value 5960464477539.06250
, dividing this value by 2.00000
results in 2.9802322387695313e12
(or 2980232238769.53130
). Mathematically, the correct result would be 2980232238769.53125
, but there is some loss of precision here.
import Text.Printf (printf)
import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
main = do
n <- readLn :: IO Double
reading n 0
reading n c = do
if c == 100
then exitSuccess
else printf "%.5f\n" n
reading (n/2.0) (c+1)
Dividing the values directly in ghci
Prelude> 5960464477539.06250/2
I already read about Data.Scientific
, but I don't have access to this module. Without it, is there any way to improve accuracy in this case?
Actually, your number has been computed with full precision; it's just that when printing Double
s, the standard thing to do is to only print as many digits as needed to uniquely identify a Double
, and in this case that's fewer than all of them after dividing by 2. You can write your own routine for turning a Double
into an exact decimal representation with all digits if you like; you use the usual division+modular reduction trick that's used for showing digits of a normal integer, but with a bit of extra logic for inserting a decimal point when the ratio drops below 1.
But... I've always meant to put together a routine for turning an arbitrary-precision Rational
into a sequence of digits in an arbitrary base + information on where the sequence loops, so I took this as an excuse to finally do it. This can also be used to double-check the fact I stated above about full precision being available in your starting code. Here's the data type we'll produce as our end result:
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
data Sign = Pos | Neg deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
data Digits = Digits
{ intro :: [Integer]
, loop :: [Integer]
, power :: Int
, sign :: Sign
, base :: Integer
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
The intention is that d
represents the sequence of digits intro d ++ cycle (loop d)
(plus some handy auxiliary information). Here's how you can compute it:
normalizeMagnitude :: Integer -> Rational -> (Rational, Int)
normalizeMagnitude base_ = go where
base = fromInteger base_
go x
| x >= base = succ <$> go (x/base)
| x < 1 = pred <$> go (x*base)
| otherwise = (x, 0)
buildLoop :: Integer -> Rational -> (Map Rational (Integer, Rational), Rational)
buildLoop base = go M.empty where
go seen x = if x `M.member` seen then (seen, x) else go (M.insert x (d, x') seen) x' where
(d, m) = numerator x `divMod` denominator x
x' = (m * base) % denominator x
reifyUntil :: Ord a => Map a (b, a) -> a -> a -> [b]
reifyUntil m a0 = go where
go a = if a0 == a then [] else case M.lookup a m of
Nothing -> error "never reached sentinel"
Just (b, a') -> b : go a'
reifyLoop :: Ord a => Map a (b, a) -> a -> [b]
reifyLoop m a0 = case M.lookup a0 m of
Nothing -> error "not actually a loop"
Just (b, a) -> b : reifyUntil m a0 a
digits :: Integer -> Rational -> Digits
digits b x = Digits
{ intro = reifyUntil digitMap loopSentinel xNorm
, loop = reifyLoop digitMap loopSentinel
, power = p
, sign = s
, base = b
} where
(xPos, s) = if x < 0 then (-x, Neg) else (x, Pos)
(xNorm, p) = normalizeMagnitude b xPos
(digitMap, loopSentinel) = buildLoop b xNorm
There are various ways you might want to pretty-print this into a String
. Here's one:
pp :: (Integer -> ShowS) -> Digits -> ShowS
pp showDigit d = foldr (.) id $ tail [undefined
, case sign d of
Pos -> id
Neg -> ('-':)
, showDigit x
, case (xs, xs') of
([], [0]) -> id
_ -> ('.':) . showDigits xs
, case xs' of
[0] -> id
_ -> ('(':) . showDigits xs' . ("...)"++)
, case (power d, base d) of
(0, _) -> id
(_, 10) -> ('e':)
_ -> ('*':) . shows (base d) . ('^':)
, case power d of
0 -> id
_ -> shows (power d)
showDigits = foldr (\digit f -> showDigit digit . f) id
(x:xs, xs') = case intro d of
[] -> case loop d of
[] -> error "invalid digits"
x:xs -> ([x], xs ++ [x])
_ -> (intro d, loop d)
We can try it out in ghci:
> pp shows (digits 10 5960464477539.0625) ""
> pp shows (digits 10 (5960464477539.0625/2)) ""
Full precision is retained. We can also now verify the first paragraph of the answer by doing all the calculations in Double
and then converting to Rational
just before printing:
> pp shows (digits 10 (toRational (5960464477539.0625 :: Double))) ""
> pp shows (digits 10 (toRational (5960464477539.0625/2 :: Double))) ""
Full precision is retained even for the Double
-based calculation.