from itertools import dropwhile
for key, count in dropwhile(lambda key_count: key_count[1] < 50, countered.most_common()):
del countered[key]
Input which is the countered
variable looks like this
[('Required Weather API', 100),
('New York City Museums', 70),
('New York City Art Galleries', 48),
('Zillow Home Value Searching API', 38)]
I used the code above to get the items with count less than 50 into a list but I get an empty counter back Counter()
Expected output
[('New York City Art Galleries', 48),
('Zillow Home Value Searching API', 38)]
That seems complicated. Why not use:
res = [item for item in countered if item[1]<50]
[('New York City Art Galleries', 48), ('Zillow Home Value Searching API', 38)]