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linq crosstab with dynamic columns

I have the following Lists of objects and I use linq join them using a Left Outer Join, after that I need to expand some dynamic rows into columns using linq but that is where I have an issue.

private List<ClasslistDto> GetClassList()
            return new List<ClasslistDto>
                new ClasslistDto{StudentID = "0101", StudentName = "Student 1", ClassID = "1", ClassName="Class 2", Sex = "M", ResStatus="Day"},
                new ClasslistDto{StudentID = "0102", StudentName = "Student 2", ClassID = "1", ClassName="Class 2", Sex = "M", ResStatus="Day"},
                new ClasslistDto{StudentID = "0103", StudentName = "Student 3", ClassID = "1", ClassName="Class 2", Sex = "F", ResStatus="Day"},
                new ClasslistDto{StudentID = "0104", StudentName = "Student 4", ClassID = "1", ClassName="Class 2", Sex = "M", ResStatus="Day"},
                new ClasslistDto{StudentID = "0105", StudentName = "Student 5", ClassID = "1", ClassName="Class 2", Sex = "F", ResStatus="Day"},
                new ClasslistDto{StudentID = "0106", StudentName = "Student 6", ClassID = "1", ClassName="Class 2", Sex = "M", ResStatus="Day"},
                new ClasslistDto{StudentID = "0107", StudentName = "Student 7", ClassID = "1", ClassName="Class 2", Sex = "M", ResStatus="Day"},
                new ClasslistDto{StudentID = "0108", StudentName = "Student 8", ClassID = "1", ClassName="Class 2", Sex = "F", ResStatus="Day"},
                new ClasslistDto{StudentID = "0109", StudentName = "Student 9", ClassID = "1", ClassName="Class 2", Sex = "F", ResStatus="Day"}
private List<ExamTypeDto> GetExams()
            return new List<ExamTypeDto>
                new ExamTypeDto{ExamTypeID="EX01", ExamType = "Test 1", MaxMark = 10},
                new ExamTypeDto{ExamTypeID="EX02", ExamType = "Project", MaxMark = 20},
                new ExamTypeDto{ExamTypeID="EX03", ExamType = "Test 2", MaxMark = 20},
                new ExamTypeDto{ExamTypeID="EX04", ExamType = "MidTerm", MaxMark = 50},
                new ExamTypeDto{ExamTypeID="EX05", ExamType = "Exams", MaxMark = 100}

private List<StudentMarkDto> GetStudentMarks()
            return new List<StudentMarkDto>
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0101", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX01", Mark=8},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0101", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX02", Mark=17},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0101", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX03", Mark=12},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0101", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX04", Mark=38},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0101", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX05", Mark=97},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0102", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX01", Mark=9},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0102", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX02", Mark=13.7},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0102", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX03", Mark=15},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0102", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX04", Mark=47},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0102", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX05", Mark=91},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0103", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX01", Mark=10},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0103", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX02", Mark=14},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0103", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX03", Mark=15},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0103", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX04", Mark=50},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0103", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX05", Mark=86},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0104", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX01", Mark=5},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0104", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX02", Mark=10},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0104", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX03", Mark=15},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0104", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX04", Mark=25},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0104", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX05", Mark=59},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0105", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX01", Mark=8},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0105", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX02", Mark=13},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0105", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX03", Mark=10.5},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0105", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX04", Mark=39},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0105", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX05", Mark=75},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0106", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX01", Mark=8},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0106", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX02", Mark=14},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0106", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX03", Mark=15},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0106", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX04", Mark=40},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0106", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX05", Mark=65},

                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0107", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX01", Mark=10},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0107", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX02", Mark=14},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0107", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX03", Mark=15},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0107", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX04", Mark=50},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0107", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX05", Mark=86},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0108", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX01", Mark=10},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0108", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX02", Mark=14},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0108", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX03", Mark=15},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0108", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX04", Mark=50},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0108", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX05", Mark=86},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0109", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX01", Mark=10},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0109", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX02", Mark=14},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0109", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX03", Mark=15},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0109", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX04", Mark=50},
                new StudentMarkDto{StudentID = "0109", ClassID = "1", ExamTypeID="EX05", Mark=86}


I use the left outer join

var result = (from s in classlist
                          join m in studentMarks on s.StudentID equals m.StudentID
                          into st_def
                          from m in st_def.DefaultIfEmpty()
                          join e in exams on m.ExamTypeID equals e.ExamTypeID into ex_def
                          from e in ex_def.DefaultIfEmpty()
                          select new ManualEntryAllDto
                              StudentID = s.StudentID,
                              StudentName = s.StudentName,
                              ExamTypeID = m.ExamTypeID,
                              ExamName = e.ExamType,
                              MaxMark = e.MaxMark,
                              Marks = m.Mark

I get the results that appear enter image description here

I however need to flatten it further so I get results like this

StudentID | StudentName | Test 1 | Project | Test 2 | MidTerm | Exams
0101      | Student 1   | 8      | 17      | 12     | 38      | 97
0102      | Student 2   | 9      | 13.7    | 15     | 47      | 91

In case GetStudentMarks() return an empty list, we still need it to return

StudentID | StudentName | Test 1 | Project | Test 2 | MidTerm | Exams
0101      | Student 1   | 0      | 0       | 0      | 0       | 0
0102      | Student 2   | 0      | 0       | 0      | 0       | 0

The Other caveat is GetExams() may return N number of rows I found a function here on stackoverflow to flatten a list but I am not able to use it to get the desired results

public static dynamic[] ToPivotArray<T, TColumn, TRow, TData>(
    this IEnumerable<T> source,
    Func<T, TColumn> columnSelector,
    Expression<Func<T, TRow>> rowSelector,
    Func<IEnumerable<T>, TData> dataSelector)

            var arr = new List<object>();
            var cols = new List<string>();
            String rowName = ((MemberExpression)rowSelector.Body).Member.Name;
            var columns = source.Select(columnSelector).Distinct();

            cols = (new[] { rowName }).Concat(columns.Select(x => x.ToString())).ToList();

            var rows = source.GroupBy(rowSelector.Compile())
                             .Select(rowGroup => new
                                 Key = rowGroup.Key,
                                 Values = columns.GroupJoin(
                                     c => c,
                                     r => columnSelector(r),
                                     (c, columnGroup) => dataSelector(columnGroup))

            foreach (var row in rows)
                var items = row.Values.Cast<object>().ToList();
                items.Insert(0, row.Key);
                var obj = GetAnonymousObject(cols, items);
            return arr.ToArray();

        private static dynamic GetAnonymousObject(IEnumerable<string> columns, IEnumerable<object> values)
            IDictionary<string, object> eo = new ExpandoObject() as IDictionary<string, object>;
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < columns.Count(); i++)
                eo.Add(columns.ElementAt<string>(i), values.ElementAt<object>(i));
            return eo;

Any pointers will be great


  • Here is a variation of an extension method I have for pivoting IEnumerable<T> that returns a List<dynamic> instead of the original DataTable:

    public static class IEnumerableExt {
        // pivot an IEnumerable<T> to a new DataTable
        // over field creates new column names
        // value field is value for new columns
        // By fields are row ids and grouping key
        public static dynamic PivotOverWithBysToDynamic<TRow>(this IEnumerable<TRow> rows, string OverColName, string WithValueName, params string[] ByRowNames) {
            var res = new List<dynamic>();
            if (rows.Count() > 0) {
                var rowg = rows.GroupBy(row => ByRowNames.Select(f => row.GetValue(f)).ToList(),
                                        row => new { Over = row.GetValue(OverColName).ToString(), With = row.GetValue(WithValueName) },
                foreach (var rg in rowg) {
                    var rgKey = rg.Key.ToList();
                    var newr = new ExpandoObject();
                    var newrMap = (IDictionary<string, object>)newr;
                    for (int j1 = 0; j1 < ByRowNames.Length; ++j1)
                        newrMap[ByRowNames[j1]] = rgKey[j1];
                    foreach (var r in rg)
                        newrMap[r.Over] = r.With;
            return res;

    This code depends on a lot of other extension methods in order to make getting the values out of the original object properties somewhat efficient (by caching functions that return the value for a property to minimize reflection overhead) and to make comparing sequences easier:

    public static class Make {
        public static IEqualityComparer<IEnumerable<T>> IESequenceEqual<T>() => new IEnumerableSequenceEqualityComparer<T>();
        private class IEnumerableSequenceEqualityComparer<T> : IEqualityComparer<IEnumerable<T>> {
            public bool Equals(IEnumerable<T> x, IEnumerable<T> y) =>
                Object.ReferenceEquals(x, y) || (x != null && y != null && (x.SequenceEqual(y)));
            public int GetHashCode(IEnumerable<T> items) {
                var hc = new HashCode();
                foreach (var item in items)
                return hc.ToHashCode();
    // Enhanced Dictionary that auto-creates missing entries with seed lambda based on key
    // ala auto-vivification in Perl
    public class KeySeedFnDictionary<TKey, TValue> : Dictionary<TKey, TValue> {
        Func<TKey, TValue> seedFn;
        public KeySeedFnDictionary(Func<TKey, TValue> pSeedFn) : base() {
            seedFn = pSeedFn;
        public KeySeedFnDictionary(Func<TKey, TValue> pSeedFn, IDictionary<TKey, TValue> d) : base() {
            seedFn = pSeedFn;
            foreach (var kvp in d)
                Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
        public new TValue this[TKey key] {
            get {
                if (!TryGetValue(key, out var val))
                    base[key] = (val = seedFn(key));
                return val;
            set => base[key] = value;
    public static class MemberInfoExt {
        public static Func<object, object> GetValueFunc(this MemberInfo member) {
            switch (member) {
                case FieldInfo mfi:
                    return mfi.GetValue;
                case PropertyInfo mpi:
                    return mpi.GetValue;
                case MethodInfo mi:
                    return (object srcObject) => mi.Invoke(srcObject, null);
                    throw new ArgumentException("MemberInfo must be of type FieldInfo, PropertyInfo or MethodInfo", nameof(member));
    public static class TypeExt {
        public static MemberInfo GetPropertyOrField(this Type t, string memberName, BindingFlags bf = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance) =>
            t.GetMember(memberName, bf).Where(mi => mi.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field || mi.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property).Single();
    public static class ObjectExt {
        static KeySeedFnDictionary<(Type t, string m), MemberInfo> memberInfoCache = new(tm => tm.t.GetPropertyOrField(tm.m));
        static KeySeedFnDictionary<(Type t, string m), Func<object, object>> getFnCache = new(tm => memberInfoCache[(tm.t, tm.m)].GetValueFunc());
        public static TRes GetValue<TRes>(this object obj, string memberName) {
            var getFn = getFnCache[(obj.GetType(), memberName)];
            return (TRes)getFn(obj);
        public static object GetValue<T>(this T obj, string memberName) => ((object)obj).GetValue<object>(memberName);

    In order to handle the possibility of GetStudentMarks() returning an empty list, you must change the query to join with the marks last:

    var result = (from s in classlist
                  from e in exams
                  join m in studentMarks on new { s.StudentID, e.ExamTypeID } equals new { m.StudentID, m.ExamTypeID } into mj
                  from m in mj.DefaultIfEmpty()
                  select new ManualEntryAllDto {
                      StudentID = s.StudentID,
                      StudentName = s.StudentName,
                      ExamTypeID = e.ExamTypeID,
                      ExamName = e.ExamType,
                      MaxMark = e.MaxMark,
                      Marks = m?.Mark ?? default

    Once you have the data (essentially left join plus right join) you can pivot it:

    var ans = result.PivotOverWithBysToDynamic("ExamName", "Marks", new[] { "StudentID", "StudentName" });