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Text property changes all records in a subform

I am working on an MS-Access2000 database to organize our university's courses. Each course can have several component, such as a textbook, instructor's guide, etc. which have an electronic file. I am writing a VBA on a subform to put a suggested filename for these files based on the course number , language, edition and other characteristics into a textbox (Text36). I have set it to run on the Current and AfterUpdate events as well as the click of a button (Command35).

So far so good, except that it puts that filename into ALL the records for that course, and not just the one record for the component that the textbox is in.

How can I make this work that each record will have its own suggested filename.

Private Sub Command35_Click()
ECMFilename1 = Me!COURSENUMBER & PreferredLanguageCode
If Not IsNull(Me!SourceEdition) Then ECMFilename1 = ECMFilename1 & "-" & Me!SourceEdition
If Not IsNull(Me!LanguageEdition) Then ECMFilename1 = ECMFilename1 & Me!LanguageEdition
ECMFilename1 = ECMFilename1 & "-" & [PRODUCT TYPE]
If IsNull(Me![MaterialTitle]) Then ECMFilename1 = ECMFilename1 & "-" & Me![CourseTitle] Else ECMFilename1 = ECMFilename1 & "-" & [MaterialTitle]
Me.Text36.Text = ECMFilename1
End Sub

Thanks, Videot


  • Programmatically setting value property of an UNBOUND textbox will show same value for ALL records because there is only one textbox. Have a function calculate a value based on dynamic input of data from records and call function from textbox ControlSource.

    If function is in form module:

    Function GetName() As String
    Dim ECMFilename1 As String
    With Me
    ECMFilename1 = .COURSENUMBER & PreferredLanguageCode
    If Not IsNull(.SourceEdition) Then ECMFilename1 = ECMFilename1 & "-" & .SourceEdition
    If Not IsNull(.LanguageEdition) Then ECMFilename1 = ECMFilename1 & .LanguageEdition
    ECMFilename1 = ECMFilename1 & "-" & .[PRODUCT TYPE]
    If IsNull(.MaterialTitle) Then 
        ECMFilename1 = ECMFilename1 & "-" & .CourseTitle 
        ECMFilename1 = ECMFilename1 & "-" & .MaterialTitle
    End If
    End With
    GetFile = ECMFilename1
    End Function

    Call from textbox: =GetName()

    If code is placed in a general module:

    Function GetName(sC, sS, sL, sM, sP) As String
    Dim ECMFilename1 As String
    ECMFilename1 = sC & PreferredLanguageCode
    If Not IsNull(sS) Then ECMFilename1 = ECMFilename1 & "-" & sS
    If Not IsNull(sL) Then ECMFilename1 = ECMFilename1 & sL
    ECMFilename1 = ECMFilename1 & "-" & sP
    If IsNull(sM) Then 
        ECMFilename1 = ECMFilename1 & "-" & sC 
        ECMFilename1 = ECMFilename1 & "-" & sM
    End If
    GetName = ECMFilename1
    End Function

    Textbox expression:
    =GetName([CourseNumber], [SourceEdition], [LanguageEdition], [MaterialTitle], [Product Type])