I have a column with names like this:
Doe, John
Smith, Sam
King, Martin Luther
The intent is to put inverse the names and remove the comma. If I use the formula:
It works and transforms the name from G14 (Doe, John) to John Doe. The issue is that this is done on over 400 values that change on a day to day basis, so I tried putting it all in an arrayformula:
=ArrayFormula(iferror(if(not(ISBLANK(G14:G)); REGEXREPLACE(JOIN(" "; SORT(TRANSPOSE(SPLIT(G14:G;" "));SEQUENCE(COLUMNS(SPLIT(G14:G;" ")));0)); ",$";)); "error"))
Whenever I do this, all the cells retrieve errors, cause by
Function SPLIT parameter 1 value should be non-empty.
I have looked through some answers with the same error, but I cannot figure out how to properly apply them to my case.
=ArrayFormula(iferror(if(not(ISBLANK(G14:G)); REGEXREPLACE(JOIN(" "; SORT(TRANSPOSE(SPLIT(G14:G;" "));SEQUENCE(COLUMNS(SPLIT(G14:G;" ")));0)); ",$";)); "error"))
You may try this if its going to be fixed 2 parameters alike Last name, First name
=map(A:A,lambda(z,if(z="",,let(Σ,split(z,", ",0),index(Σ,,2)&" "&index(Σ,,1)))))
this version will work for dynamic number of parameters Last name, Middle Name1, Middle Name2, First name
=map(A:A,lambda(z,if(z="",,let(Σ,split(z,", ",0),join(" ",sort(tocol(Σ),sequence(counta(Σ)),0))))))