I have method which makes the database select and return Observable<>. How can I call such a method from Kotlin modelview calss?
private val _response = MutableStateFlow(Response())
val response: StateFlow<Response> = _response
suspend fun getResponse() {
viewModelScope.launch(exceptionHandler) {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
_response.emit(apiCall)//Type mismatch. need Response but getting Observable<Response!>!
another class
public Observable<Responnse> apiCall(){
return cacheObservable.flatMap(response -> {return observableResponse});
There are conversions between Rx and Kotlin coroutines in the kotlinx
reactive library. Add to your dependencies:
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-rx2:1.6.4"
// Match the coroutines version you are already using.
// Change rx2 to rx3 depending on which version of Rx you're using.
Then you can call asFlow()
on an Observable to convert it to a Flow, so your ViewModel code would become the following:
val response: StateFlow<Response> = apiCall().asFlow()
.stateIn(viewModelScope, SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(5000L), Response())
No need for specifying a dispatcher or creating a separate getResponse()
function to initiate the call. It will begin the call the first time you collect this flow.
I used WhileSubscribed(5000L)
as an example. This allows resources to be conserved while a Fragment goes off screen, but avoids having to restart it if it's brief like during a screen rotation.