Much like the ability to mount an image copy of an SD card, I am attempting to 'mount' a yocto/bitbake output file to inspect the contents or run via docker.
Looking through various docs/tutorial, it is stated the 'wic.bz2' file type is designed to burn straight to an sd card mount, surely this is not the only option?
Perhaps I'm mis-understand the result of bitbake build or indeed inspecting the wrong files?
Other info: .I am using the 'Dunfell' branch to build a small Rasbperrypi3-64 image .I am use WSL 20.04 V2
Short answer: you can't convert a wic file into an img file. As mentioned here
If you want to test the yocto output however, here is a guide:
As @Tim Robeerts mentioned, using bunzip
Either write the wic file to an sd card (Example here), or other alternatives mentioned in wic examples
Using a tool such as rufus, create an .img file from the sd card.
Using Quick EMUlator (QEMU) Qemu emulator Allows you to boot the img file for testing. Alternatively, you can use virtual box: Virtual box