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alembic_utils create_entity if not exists

Similar to alembic create_table, check if table exists However this question is for creating entities like extensions. The solution for tables using reflection does not appear like it would work for extensions as I don’t see a way to get the list of existing installed extensions through that

Going to see if I can run a query to get that list on the connection. Any other ideas? Would be great if the create_entity had an if_not_exists option to only do it if it doesn’t already exist.

My use case here involves creating a new schema via alembic in a database with schemas created through Liquibase. We are moving from that tool to this one. Eventually dropping the old schemas altogether etc. For existing databases the uuid-ossp extension will already be there. For new databases where we just have the new alembic based schema it will not be there. Needs to work in both cases.


def upgrade() -> None:
    # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
    public_uuid_ossp = PGExtension(


  • PostgrSQL does support an IF EXISTS qualifier:

    CREATE EXTENSION [ IF NOT EXISTS ] extension_name
        [ WITH ] [ SCHEMA schema_name ]
                 [ VERSION version ]
                 [ CASCADE ]

    However this isn't available via alembic_utils presently:

    def to_sql_statement_create(self) -> TextClause:
        """Generates a SQL "create extension" statement"""
        return sql_text(f'CREATE EXTENSION "{self.signature}" WITH SCHEMA {self.literal_schema};')

    So for now, I've gone with this. I'll also consider submitting a PR to that project to add support for if exists perhaps.

    def upgrade() -> None:
        # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
        public_uuid_ossp = PGExtension(
        conn = op.get_bind()
        query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_available_extensions WHERE name = 'uuid-ossp' AND installed_version IS NOT NULL"
        exists = [row for row in conn.execute(query)][0][0] > 0
        if not exists: