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Not able to deploy Spring-based application after migrating from `Mule 3.x` to `Mule 4.x`

I have a Maven and Spring-based application that I am trying to deploy on Mule 4 but getting following exception.

Do I need to create this file explicitly ?

ERROR 2023-03-15 11:14:38,512 [] [processor: ; event: ] org.mule.runtime.module.deployment.internal.DefaultArchiveDeployer: Artifact descriptor does not exists: I:\mule4\apps\my-order-service\META-INF\mule-artifact\mule-artifact.json
org.mule.runtime.module.artifact.api.descriptor.ArtifactDescriptorCreateException: Artifact descriptor does not exists: I:\mule4\apps\my-order-service\META-INF\mule-artifact\mule-artifact.json


  • It looks like you didn't migrate the Mule 3 application to Mule 4. Note that Mule 4 is not compatible with Mule 3 applications. You should read the documentation and migration guide before starting.