I am trying to understand which user has the most influence based on the amount of the reviews that was done by the user, i user the following code to project my graph
CALL gds.graph.project.cypher(
'match (n) WHERE (n:USER) OR (n:REVIEWS) return id(n) AS id',
RETURN id(u) AS source, id(b) AS target, count(distinct r) as weight'
I am trying to create a weight variable but when i run it through the algorithm, i do not receive anything, or ai receive static values
CALL gds.pageRank.stream('last_try', {relationshipWeightProperty:'weight'})
YIELD nodeId, score
RETURN gds.util.asNode(nodeId).username AS name, score
ORDER BY score desc
limit 5
Also here is the algorithm that i am trying to run but unsuccessfully i can not get a logic result
I tried to implement different solutions, but i did not manage to find any solution, i tried to count the attributes of the reviews made by those users, and the hard part is to understand what to attribute to the weight parameter.
Below is the query to put the number of reviews done by that user. It will put a new property 'weight' on REVIEWS based on the number of times that user posted a review on any beer.
WITH u, count(r) as cnt, collect(distinct r) as reviews
UNWIND reviews as r
SET r.weight = cnt
For example:
│"review" │