I'm usually a C# programmer and going to Delphi has been full of "interesting" discoveries. The one that baffles me the most is single statements in Delphi.
Example C# block
Example Delphi block:
if x then
Foo() //note missing semicolon
What exactly was their purpose for requiring that semi-colon to not be there? Is there a historical reason dating back to Pascal?
There is a difference between semi-colons in Pascal and in C and their derivatives.
Wikipedia explains the implications of this:
This difference manifests itself primarily in two situations:
- there can never be a semicolon directly before else in Pascal whereas it is mandatory in C (unless a block statement is used)
- the last statement before an end is not required to be followed by a semicolon
A superfluous semicolon can be put on the last line before end, thereby formally inserting an empty statement.