I am very new to Blazor (coming from a medium level of asp.net experience).
Previously, I used ViewBag & TempData to pass variables from one component to another, quite effectively and easily. This is not available in Blazor and I am struggling to understand how to pass a variable to another component. I have, indeed, read many posts and online resources, but they don't seem to make sense to me, for what I am trying to do.
I tried to make a very simple example of what I am trying to accomplish:
When the NewEntry.razor page loads, I need to create a new GUID for the new record entry that stuff will create (newID).
public Guid NewRecord {get; set;} = Guid.NewGuid();
private Guid newID = Guid.Empty;
AddCarDialog addCarDialog;
protected override OnInitialized()
newID = NewRecord;
Now, when I place '@newID' anywhere on the NewEntry.razor page, it shows the new GUID correctly.
I need to pass @newID to the AddCarDialog page in the shared folder. After spending more than a day on this, I am asking for help.
This is where I am at in my Showpopup code on the NewEntry.razor.cs page, that opens AddCarDialog.
protected void Showpopup()
addCarDialog.carPK = newID;
addCarDialog.ShowDialog = true;
Code for AddCarDialog.razor.cs
public Guid carPk {get; set} = new
Code to display on AddCarDialog.razor
I am now using Dimitri's example, below and not receiving any errors. However, I've noticed another issue.
When NewEntry.razor loads, AddCarDialog.razor loads twice! I set a break point in OnInitialized, to see what is happening. Here is what I know:
NewEntry.razor loads. Before fully loading, AddCarDialog loads once, and carPK is correct. Then, for some odd reason, AddCarDialog loads a second time and carPK is empty.
I need to figure out why it's loading twice here and how to stop it.
You should not instantiate Blazor components manually and pass parameters to them from code. The following is wrong:
AddCarDialog addCarDialog = new();
addCarDialog.CarPk = newID;
instead you should use the component like this:
<AddCarDialog CarPk="@newID" @bind-Visible="isDialogVisible" />
@code {
public Guid NewRecord { get; set; } = Guid.NewGuid();
private Guid newID = Guid.Empty;
private bool isDialogVisible = false;
protected override void OnInitialized()
newID = NewRecord;
private void ShowDialog()
isDialogVisible = true;
And AddCarDialog.razor
@if (Visible)
@*dialog implementation*@
<button @onclick="Close">Close dialog</button>
@code {
public Guid CarPk { get; set; }
public bool Visible { get; set; }
public EventCallback<bool> VisibleChanged { get; set; }
private async Task Close()
await VisibleChanged.InvokeAsync(false);