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Is there any PEP regarding a pipe operator in Python?

It is often common to write this type of python code:

def load_data():
   df_ans = get_data()
   df_checked = check_data(df_ans) # returns df_ans or raises an error
   return_dict = format_data(df_ans) 
   return return_dict

One could write the above like this (but it's ugly in my opinion)

def load_data():
   return format_data(check_data(get_data()))

If this were all pandas code, one could use the .pipe method to do as follows:

def load_data():
   return get_data().pipe(check_data).pipe(format_data)

However, there seems to be no universal way to "pipe" things in Python, something like:

def load_data():
   return (get_data() |> check_data |> format_data)

Is there any PEP proposal for this? I could not find one.

I've seen some libraries that do operator overloading on | but I don't think that's what I'm looking for - I'm looking for x {operator} y to be the same as y(x) (which of course requires y to be callable)


  • I don't think a pipe operator in Python will be approved in the near future. To do that operation there is already the function pipe in the toolz library. It is not a Python built in library but is widely used.

    In case you are curious the implementation is just:

    def pipe(data, *funcs):
        for func in funcs:
            data = func(data)
        return data