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Connect IQ Garmin Simulator test getting location by enableLocationEvents function

I need find position of watch. I have an method:

function initializeListener() as Void {
    Position.enableLocationEvents(Position.LOCATION_ONE_SHOT, method(:onPosition));

function onPosition( info as Position.Info ) as Void {
    System.println("I found you!");
    System.println( "Position " + info );

I tryeing to set position by option:

settings->set position

and I change GPS Quality by

settings->set GPS Quality

to "Good".

But still method onPosition is not callable. Enybody know how I can simulate getting position?


  • It sounds like the simulator is not configured to send activity data. To do this, go to the menu item "Simulation -> Activity Data" and press the play button. This will result in the simulator updating the various sensors with simulated data every 1 second. You can also playback a FIT file from that menu dialog.