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How to Read Mongodb log number ubuntu

So i have a log at ubuntu server that i implemented logrotate to rotate the log, but i notice one things that the number is too big and i dont understand how to read the number beside the log enter image description here

Any help on this? or any explanation to how to read it "52548376" or what does it stand for

here is my configuration for logrotate:

   rotate 7
   size 100M
   create 0600 mongodb mongodb
     /bin/kill -SIGUSR1 $(pgrep -f mongod)

i notice that it should rotate the log after it reached 100MB


  • That's the file size in Bytes.

    52548376 Bytes are 52MByte but you set a limit of 100MByte, so why do you expect a log rotation?

    Instead of kill -SIGUSR1 $(pgrep -f mongod) I would suggest

    kill -SIGUSR1 $( /usr/sbin/pidof mongod )

    or even better

    if /usr/sbin/pidof -s mongod > /dev/null ; then kill -USR1 $( /usr/sbin/pidof mongod ) ; fi

    You specified daily which means the logfile is rotated daily, no matter whether the size reached 100MB or not. Using daily and size makes only sense if you run logrotate more than once a day.

    Option create is not needed. mongod creates a new logfile automatically. Instead I would add notifempty