I use huey to create scheduled tasks, that run for example every minute. I created an example to display my question:
class Campaign(models.Model):
active = models.BooleanField("active", default = True)
name = models.CharField("campaign name", max_length = 32)
class CampaignTime(models.Model):
campaign = models.ForeignKey(Campaign, on_delete = models.CASCADE)
time_start = models.TimeField("start time")
time_end = models.TimeField("end time")
running = models.BooleanField("campaign running right now", default = False)
ad_to_show = models.ForeignKey(Ad, on_delete = models.CASCADE)
I am not sure if I implemented this "smoothly":
from django.utils.timezone import localtime as T
class CampaignService:
for campaign in Campaign.objects.all():
for ctime in campaign.campaigntime_set.values():
if T.time() > ctime["time_start"] and ctime["running"] == False:
... ## start campaign and set ctime["runnning]" = True
elif T.time() > ctime["time_end"] and ctime["running"] == True:
... ## end campaign and set ctime["running"] = False
This somehow looks crude to me. Any suggestions on how to implement this more nicely?
You can filter with:
to_start = CampaignTime.objects.filter(
# trigger campaigns of to_start
to_start.update(running=True) # set running=True for all to_start objects
to_stop = CampaignTime.objects.filter(
# trigger campaigns of to_stop
to_stop.update(running=False) # set running=False for all to_stop objects