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Repartitioning existing table online

Table schema

I have a partitioned table 'solutions' partitioned by day as follows:


  • solutions_20230115

  • solutions_20230116

  • solutions_20230117


  • solutions_20230314

  • solutions_20230315

  • solutions_legacy

New partition 'solutuons_yyyymmdd' is created every day for new data. Partition 'solutions_legacy' stores old data for the period before table 'solutions' was partitioned, currently from MINVALUE to '2023-01-15'.

My goal

I have to create new partitions for the old data and migrate the data from partition 'solutions_legacy' to newly created partitions.

My difficulties

The problem is I have to do it online so that table 'solutions' (at least it's recent partitions) was available for the end users while the data are being migrated.

My solution

The idea is to detach 'solutions_legacy' from 'solutions' and work with it as a separate table while 'solutions' is available for end users. So here is my approach:

  • detach 'solutions_legacy'
  • create new table 'solutions_yyyymmdd'
  • migrate corresponding data from 'solutuons_legacy' to 'solutions_yyyymmdd'
  • attach both tables as partitions to 'solutions'

This way I suppose to have some downtime only on the first step while detaching 'solutions_legacy'.

My code

create or replace PROCEDURE attach_partition(p_name text, p_start date default '2020-01-01', p_end date default '2099-01-01') 
as $$
  RAISE NOTICE '%: Attaching partition ''%''...', clock_timestamp(), p_name;
  execute format(
    FOR VALUES FROM (%L) TO (%L)', p_name, p_start, p_end);
  RAISE NOTICE '% ''%'' has been attached', clock_timestamp(), p_name;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

create or replace PROCEDURE detach_partition(p_name text)
as $$
  RAISE NOTICE '%: Detaching ''%''...', clock_timestamp(), p_name;
  execute format('ALTER TABLE solutions DETACH PARTITION %I', p_name);
  RAISE NOTICE '%: ''%'' has been detached', clock_timestamp(), p_name;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

create or replace PROCEDURE create_table(p_name text, p_start date, p_end date)
as $$
  RAISE NOTICE '%: Creating new table ''%'' for values from % to %...', clock_timestamp(), p_name, p_start, p_end;
  execute format('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %I
    (LIKE solutions INCLUDING DEFAULTS)', p_name);
  RAISE NOTICE '%: Table ''%'' has been created', clock_timestamp(), p_name;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

create or replace PROCEDURE migrate_data(p_name text, p_start date, p_end date)
as $$
  RAISE NOTICE '%: Migrating data to ''%''...', clock_timestamp(), p_name;
  execute format('
    WITH moved_rows AS (
      DELETE FROM public.solutions_legacy sl
      WHERE created_at >= %L
        and created_at < %L
      RETURNING sl.*
    SELECT * FROM moved_rows', p_start, p_end, p_name);
  RAISE NOTICE '%: Data has been migrated', clock_timestamp();
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

  new_partitions_count int := 3;
  rec record;
  partition_start date;
  partition_end   date;
  partition_name  text;
  call detach_partition('solutions_legacy');
  RAISE NOTICE '%: Querying ''solutions_legacy'' to determine % new partitions...', clock_timestamp(), new_partitions_count;
  for rec in 
    select distinct date_trunc('day', created_at)::date d 
    from public.solutions_legacy 
    order by d desc limit new_partitions_count
    partition_start := rec.d;
    partition_end   := rec.d + 1;
    partition_name  := 'solutions_' || TO_CHAR(partition_start, 'yyyymmdd') ;
    call create_table(partition_name, partition_start, partition_end);
    call migrate_data(partition_name, partition_start, partition_end);
    call attach_partition(partition_name, partition_start, partition_end);
  end loop;
  call attach_partition('solutions_legacy', p_end => partition_start);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Here is an example log it producers for better understanding:

NOTICE:  2023-03-15 10:28:02.306654+00: Detaching 'solutions_legacy'...
NOTICE:  2023-03-15 10:31:07.60235+00: 'solutions_legacy' has been detached
NOTICE:  2023-03-15 10:31:07.602576+00: Querying 'solutions_legacy' to determine 3 new partitions...
NOTICE:  2023-03-15 10:33:29.410183+00: Creating new table 'solutions_20230114' for values from 2023-01-14 to 2023-01-15...
NOTICE:  2023-03-15 10:33:29.416459+00: Table 'solutions_20230114' has been created
NOTICE:  2023-03-15 10:33:29.417196+00: Migrating data to 'solutions_20230114'...
NOTICE:  2023-03-15 10:36:14.731551+00: Data has been migrated
NOTICE:  2023-03-15 10:36:14.732235+00: Attaching partition 'solutions_20230114'...
NOTICE:  2023-03-15 10:37:51.100635+00 'solutions_20230114' has been attached
NOTICE:  2023-03-15 10:37:51.100761+00: Creating new table 'solutions_20230113' for values from 2023-01-13 to 2023-01-14...
NOTICE:  2023-03-15 10:37:51.102272+00: Table 'solutions_20230113' has been created
NOTICE:  2023-03-15 10:37:51.102315+00: Migrating data to 'solutions_20230113'...
NOTICE:  2023-03-15 10:40:10.749074+00: Data has been migrated
NOTICE:  2023-03-15 10:40:10.749182+00: Attaching partition 'solutions_20230113'...
NOTICE:  2023-03-15 10:41:47.559556+00 'solutions_20230113' has been attached
NOTICE:  2023-03-15 10:41:47.559661+00: Creating new table 'solutions_20230112' for values from 2023-01-12 to 2023-01-13...
NOTICE:  2023-03-15 10:41:47.561249+00: Table 'solutions_20230112' has been created
NOTICE:  2023-03-15 10:41:47.561291+00: Migrating data to 'solutions_20230112'...
NOTICE:  2023-03-15 10:44:07.43721+00: Data has been migrated
NOTICE:  2023-03-15 10:44:07.43729+00: Attaching partition 'solutions_20230112'...
NOTICE:  2023-03-15 10:45:41.37163+00 'solutions_20230112' has been attached
NOTICE:  2023-03-15 10:45:41.371922+00: Attaching partition 'solutions_legacy'...
NOTICE:  2023-03-15 10:47:56.991827+00 'solutions_legacy' has been attached

Query returned successfully in 20 min.

My problem

Even though the data is successfully migrated to newly created partitions, table 'solutions' is not available for the end users during the migration process, even SELECT queries are waiting for the Lock. I suppose that's because the whole script is a single transaction. So, I try to commit the changes right after the call to detach_partition('solutions_legacy') or at the very end of this procedure, yet in most cases I get the error

ERROR: invalid transaction termination

I have tried adding COMMIT in some places as well as playing with BEGIN/END statements.

What is the right approach to this problem?

PostgreSQL 15.2 on x86_64-pc-linux-musl, compiled by gcc (Alpine 12.2.1_git20220924-r4) 12.2.1 20220924, 64-bit


  • DO blocks allow for transaction control if and only if you didn't wrap it inside a transaction.

    I'd advise to execute the do block outside of a transaction, and your commit statement should work as planned.

    EDIT: see for documentation.