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access datatable row ID (generated with rowCallback) from shinyBS::addpopover()

I'm attempting to add popovers with additional information to individual cells of a datatable using shinyBS functions (because I'd like them to be proper popovers and not 'just' the datatable title attributes). ShinyBS::addpopover() requires an element ID for the element to attach a popover to. I've got this working for attaching a popover to an entire datatable, and now for the next step I'm attempting to add popovers at row level (before moving on to cell level) yet I am stuck.

My solution so far is very heavily based on this thread: Insert popify for radiobuttons options

Current problem: Using a rowCallback JS function, each row in the datatable is now given it's own ID (tableRow_x) yet ShinyBS::addpopover() does not seem to recognize these IDs. I suspect it might be possible to add something to the id parameter of addpopover() to get it to find the id's within the datatable, but I haven't been able to figure out what.


NB: when running the shiny in an rstudio pop up browser, it is necessary to first click anywhere in the browser before the popovers start showing.

library(shinyjs) ## needed to tamper with the HTML

ui <- fluidPage(
  # need to include at least one bs element in ui
    "This tooltip goes nowhere - it's there to make the tooltips defined with addPopover on the server side work"
  ) ,

server <- function(input, output, session) {
# once the UI is loaded, call shinyBS::addPopover to attach popover to it
session$onFlushed(function() {
    addPopover(session = session,
              id = "DataTables_Table_0",
              title = "information",
              content = "this is the popover on id DataTables_Table_0"
    addPopover(session = session,
               id = "tableRow_3",
               title = "row information",
               content = "this is the popover on id tableRow_3")      
  output$table <-
      datatable(data = iris,
                options = list(
                  rowCallback = JS(
                    "function( nRow, aData) {",
                    "$(nRow).attr('id', 'tableRow_' +aData[0]);",

# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)



  • It works with server=FALSE and the rowId option instead of rowCallback:

      output$table <-
            data = iris,
            options = list(
              rowId = JS("function(data){return 'tableRow_' + data[0];}")
        }, server = FALSE)

    Didn't try with rowCallback.