I am trying to write a function in Fortran which will conclusively determine whether an integer is a power of 2 or not. This code works up to 2^28 but fails for 2^29:
real(kind(1.q0)) elemental function fractional_part(x)
real(kind(1.q0)), intent(in) :: x
fractional_part = x-floor(x)
end function fractional_part
program frac
implicit none
real(kind(1.q0)) :: fractional_part
integer :: ii
logical :: pof2
read(5,*) ii
pof2 = (fractional_part(log(real(ii,16))/log(2.q0)) == 0.0q0)
if(pof2) write(6,*) ii
Unfortunately it relies on conversion of the integer to real(16) and the log function which is bound to have noise.
If your input is non-negative you can just count bits with popcnt().
program test
integer i
do i = 1, 2 ** 30
if ( popcnt(i) == 1 ) print *, i
end do
end program test