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(NestJs) Migration name argument to cli command

I have a problem with giving an argument to command in console when I run the command for migrations.

This is my "typeorm" command.

    "typeorm": "node --require ts-node/register ./node_modules/typeorm/cli.js",

This is "migration:generate"

    "migration:generate": "./node_modules/.bin/ts-node ./node_modules/.bin/typeorm migration:generate -d src/database/type-orm-config-migrations.ts ./src/database/migrations/$npm_config_name",

I need to send the name of migration which I want to create into cli instead of $npm_config_name.

I tried to run

  • "npm run migration:generate --name" ;
  • "npm run migration:generate -name" ;
  • "npm run migration:generate name" ;

Nothing works.


  • You Can Follow This Github Link:

    npm run migration:generate --name=changes_entity