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Is there a way to configure openapi-generator to use jakarta package during generation

I've recently upgraded my project to use spring-boot 3.0.0. So I don't have javax.* modules in the project anymore. But the Open API generator keeps trying to import javax modules. Especially, it uses javax.annotation.Generated for the @Generated annotation which is not present in the project anymore. Is there a way to reconfigure it somehow?


  • You should follow the documentation whenever possible.

    The property that you need is either "useSpringBoot3" or "useJakartaEe"

    1. Go to

    2. At the end of the table you see "configHelp" property which will give you configs for the current generator "spring" in my case

    3. Rerun "mvn clean install" - this will give you a list of available "configOptions".

    4. Read the list and found a property

      useJakartaEe: whether to use Jakarta EE namespace instead of javax (Default: false)

    My final pom:

