I tried to uninstall Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 X64 in a powershell script with this code :
$Name = "Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 X64"
$nameLikePackage = "name like '%%$Name%%'"
$uninstallCommand = "wmic product where ""$nameLikePackage"" call uninstall /nointeractive"
Write-Host "Uninstalling $Name ..."
Invoke-Expression $uninstallCommand
After execution this message appear :
instance of __PARAMETERS
ReturnValue = 0;
Of course I execute the powershell script as an administrator.
And when I check (with wmic in a cmd or in applications and funtionnalities in windows) if Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 is correctly uninstall, I see that nothing change and it's still install.
After seeing your comments I tried two methods.
The first one is with Uninstall-Package, here is the code :
$Name = "Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 X64"
$wmiObjectToUnin = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -Filter "Name LIKE '%$Name%'"
foreach ($component in $wmiObjectToUnin)
$componentName = $component.Name
Write-Host "Uninstalling $componentName ..."
Uninstall-Package -Name $componentName
WriteHost "Package Microsoft Visual C++ X64 not install"
The second one is with the uninstall function of a wmi object, here is the code :
$Name = "Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 X86"
$wmiObjectToUnin = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -Filter "Name LIKE '%$Name%'"
foreach ($component in $wmiObjectToUnin)
Write-Host "Uninstalling $component.Name ..."
WriteHost "Package Microsoft Visual C++ X86 not install"
But in both cases, nothing is uninstalled, even though the powershell window indicates that the command was executed successfully.
After many hours of research, I found out that the problem was the user rights of the company where I work (because I don't have 100% administrator rights).
If you are like me, you can try to use PSAppDeployToolkit Command but if it doesn't work too there is this command :
## Check if the package exist
$wmiObjectToUnin = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -Filter "Name LIKE 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 X64%'"
if($wmiObjectToUnin -eq $null)
throw "Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 X64 not install"
Show-InstallationProgress -StatusMessage "Uninstalling Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 X64 ..."
$vcRedistPath = "{your-path}\VC_redist.x64.exe"
$params = "/uninstall /quiet /norestart"
Start-Process -FilePath $vcRedistPath -ArgumentList $params -Wait
Show-InstallationProgress "$_"
timeout 3
## Check if the package exist
$wmiObjectToUnin = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -Filter "Name LIKE 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 X86%'"
if($wmiObjectToUnin -eq $null)
throw "Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 X86 not install"
Show-InstallationProgress -StatusMessage "Uninstalling Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 X86 ..."
$vcRedistPath = "{your-path}\VC_redist.x86.exe"
$params = "/uninstall /quiet /norestart"
Start-Process -FilePath $vcRedistPath -ArgumentList $params -Wait
Show-InstallationProgress "$_"
timeout 3
{your-path} is the path where the file VC_redist.x64.exe (for an x64 version) or VS_redist.x86.exe (for an x86 version) is located.
These files are the installation files for Microsoft Visual C++ 2022, you can download them here.