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Protocols with associated types compile error: Protocol can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements

My goal is to create a modular network service layer which can easily be unit tested.

In the quest for that, I started simply with the following protocol:

protocol NetworkService {
    associatedtype Response
    func fetchData() async throws -> Response

I then proceed to create a service to fetch the news feed like so:

struct FetchNewsService: NetworkService {
    typealias Response = [NewsAssetModel]
    func fetchData() async throws -> Response {
        guard let fetchNewsURL = URL(string: SystemConstants.NetworkConstants.fetchNewsEndpoint) else {
            throw NetworkError.invalidURL
        let urlRequest = URLRequest(url: fetchNewsURL)
        let session = URLSession(configuration: .default)
        guard let (data, response) = try? await urlRequest) else {
            // Would need to handle no internet error as well
            throw NetworkError.server
        if let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse,
           httpResponse.statusCode > 400 {
            throw NetworkError.server
        guard let newsResponse = try? JSONDecoder().decode(NewsResponseModel.self,
                                                           from: data) else {
            throw NetworkError.decode
        return newsResponse.assets

In my view model, I would like to make a request to fetch the news feed items and so I wanted to inject a type of NetworkService into my view model.

class NewsAssetManager {
    private(set) var newsAssets: [NewsAssetModel] = []
    private var newsService: NetworkService // 1 - error on this line
    // 2 - and this line below
    init(withNewsService newsService: NetworkService = FetchNewsService()) {

The first error that I get at the property declaration is Protocol 'NetworkService' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements

The second error that I get at the initializer is also the same Protocol 'NetworkService' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements

What am I doing incorrectly and how can I fix / improve this ?

Update with generics

protocol NetworkService {
    func fetchData<T>() async throws -> T 
struct FetchNewsService: NetworkService {
    func fetchData<T>() async throws -> T {
        guard let fetchNewsURL = URL(string: SystemConstants.NetworkConstants.fetchNewsEndpoint) else {
            throw NetworkError.invalidURL
        let urlRequest = URLRequest(url: fetchNewsURL)
        let session = URLSession(configuration: .default)
        guard let (data, response) = try? await urlRequest) else {
            // Would need to handle no internet error as well
            throw NetworkError.server
        if let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse,
           httpResponse.statusCode > 400 {
            throw NetworkError.server
        guard let newsResponse = try? JSONDecoder().decode(NewsResponseModel.self, from: data)
        else {
            throw NetworkError.decode
        return newsResponse.assets // Compile error

I get an error on the last line Cannot convert return expression of type '[NewsAssetModel]' to return type 'T'

Update based on comments & Answer

Adding a combination of Any & Some to the property or initialiser still doesn't get rid of the compilation errors faced.

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

I also confirmed via terminal and this code that I at least am running Swift 5.6:

#if swift(>=5.6)
        print("swift 5.6")


  • This is how I would define the protocol when not using an associated type. Make the function generic instead and the type should conform to Decodable

    protocol NetworkService {
        func fetchData<Response: Decodable>(url: URL) async throws -> Response

    Then I would change the implementation of the conforming type to

    struct FetchNewsService: NetworkService {
        func fetchData<Response: Decodable>(url: URL) async throws -> Response {
            let urlRequest = URLRequest(url: url)
            let session = URLSession(configuration: .default)
            guard let (data, response) = try? await urlRequest) else {
                throw NetworkError.server
            if let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse,
               httpResponse.statusCode > 400 {
                throw NetworkError.server
            do {
                return try JSONDecoder().decode(Response.self, from: data)
            } catch {
                throw NetworkError.decode(error)

    Now the implementation isn't so hardcoded to one solution, actually it is so general that we can move it into an extension of the protocol

    extension NetworkService {
        func fetchData<Response: Decodable>(url: URL) async throws -> Response {
            // same code as above

    Which means in this case FetchNewsService isn't needed anymore and it can be deleted.

    The NewsAssetManager can then be changed to below where all the code that is specific to this particular api and response type now resides.

    class NewsAssetManager {
        private(set) var newsAssets: [NewsAssetModel] = []
        private var newsService: NetworkService
        init(withNewsService newsService: NetworkService) {
            self.newsService = newsService
        func fetchNews() async throws {
            guard let fetchNewsURL = URL(string: SystemConstants.NetworkConstants.fetchNewsEndpoint) else {
                throw NetworkError.invalidURL
            let model: NewsResponseModel = try await newsService.fetchData(url: fetchNewsURL)
            newsAssets = model.assets