I have this DTOs (data transfer object):
public record ProjectsDto(long id, String projectName, String contact, String fundingCode, LocalDate runtimeFrom,
LocalDate runtimeTo, String costUnit, String chapter, String unit, UsersDto users) {
public record UsersDto(long id, String userName, String firstName, String lastname) {
I have this repository:
@Query("select p.id, p.projectname, p.contact, p.funding_code fundingCode, p.runtime_from runtimeFrom, p.runtime_to runtimeTo, " +
"p.cost_unit costUnit, p.chapter, p.unit, u.id users_id, u.username userName, u.firstname firstName, u.lastname lastName " +
"from projects p " +
"inner join users u on u.id = p.users_id " +
"where p.id = :id")
Optional<ProjectsDto> findByIdAndProjectTo(long id);
The ProjectDto
gets populated with all the simple properties like runtimeTo
for example.
But the embedded users
being a UserDto
won´t get populated.
Do i have an error in my repository?
This is simply not supported at the moment.