How to Iterate a API dictionary in ForEach. I have a dictionary and it consists of another dictionary in it. How to display those dictionary values in contentView?
My api structs:
struct userDataModel: Codable {
let status: Bool?
let message: String?
let data: DataClass
struct DataClass: Codable {
let id, phoneNumber, email, countrycode: String?
let loginType: String?
let otp: Int?
let bookingInfo, cancellationInfo: [Any?]
let token: String?
let isHost: Bool?
let wishList: [String]
let contacts, review: [Any?]
let createdAt, updatedAt: String?
let v: Int?
let dob, firstName, lastName: String?
let isOnline: Bool?
let lastSeen: String?
let isExperience: Bool?
ContentView code:
struct UserData: View {
@StateObject var api = userData()
var body: some View {
ForEach(api.responses!, id:\.self) { todo in
.onAppear {
Network Class Published variables:
@Published var records: userDataModel? @Published var responses: DataClass?
As the answer provided by @workingdog support Ukraine, No need of ForEach here. Tried as Text(api.responses?.firstName ?? "no name") and in network class @Published var records: UserDataModel? is enough to bring the details out.