Search code examples

jQuery autocomplete item click and event bubbling

How can I get the link click to trigger a select?

EDIT: Im refering to why doesnt the line $("a:contains('item2')").click(); trigger a autocomplete menu select?

<!doctype html>
    <script src="jquery-1.6.4.js"></script>
    <script src="jquery-ui-1.8.16.js"></script>


$(function() {

var menu = $('<div></div>')
    .attr('id', 'menu')
        minLength: 0, 
        source: ['item1','item2'], 
        select: function(event, ui){
            alert('selected ' + ui.item.label);

    .attr('id', 'open')
        label: 'display menu'
    .click(function() {
        menu.autocomplete("search", "");

    .click(function() {





  • This is caused by an "unfortunate" choice in the autocomplete widget -- it doesn't know what item you're selecting unless you've previously "hovered" it to make it the active menu choice.

      .click(function() {